Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Psychology of Positive Thinking

Psychology of Positive Thinking 
Living a happy and successful life is not brought about by luck, but more of a positive attitude towards life. By tapping the positive forces within will enable people to realize all their aspirations in life whether it pertains to success in their work or happiness in their home. All they need to do is to affirm it and they can achieve it. Although this may sound like easier said than done but if we are to carefully think about it a lot of what we are enjoying right now are products of positive thinking.

What makes me say this? For instance the cell phone, which we are using was once thought to be an impossible idea by others but due to the positive attitude of its inventor it is now available for everyone. Just think if the inventor was also a pessimist and then give up on his cell phone idea then we would not have cell phones to this day. This clearly shows that what the mind can perceive the body can achieve.

Positive Thinking to Counteract Negative Forces

Nothing can compare to the joy brought by a healthy and positive life. You always feel happy, lively and you feel like you can conquer the world. You face your future with certainty and hope. You feel thankful to be alive. Life is perfect – GREAT!

However, not everyone is gifted with a perfect life. With all the worries, doubts and fears that people are facing everyday just how can they develop positive thinking? Positive thinking is more of a mind setting, which means that you need to embed in your mind that you are worthy of happiness, have good health and possess capabilities that will bring you success. Though this process you will enhance your power for positive affirmations.

Another term used for positive affirmation is self-suggestion. By means of self-suggestion you can eliminate all those negative feelings that are inhibiting you from developing positive thoughts. Repetitive self-suggestion can help to successfully instill in you positive thoughts.

If you want you may record all your affirmations on a tape and matched it with pleasant instrumental background music. You can listen to it while you are relaxing or while you are driving to work. Playing your positive affirmation recording more often or repetitively can help you to absorb them more effectively and permanently.

Positive Thinking a Self-Indoctrinating Process

In psychology it is said that the mind controls the body, which means that whatever the mind perceives the body will be able to accomplish. So if you can conceptualize success in your mind then that is what exactly your body is going to try attaining. The more positive thoughts that you have the more rewarding results that you are going to obtain.

However it is very important that you should not forget to couple positive thinking with reality. What do I mean by this? Things will not always be in your favor even if you think so positively about them. But your responses to situations that are not in favor of you will greatly affect the effect that it will have on you.

Positive thinking can lessen the devastating effect that unfavorable situations will have on you. So even when things are not going according to your plan you will not lose hope and will continue to pursue whatever it is that you want to achieve.

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Friday, February 14, 2020

The Power of Positive Thinking and 10 Rules to Get It

Positive Thinking 10 Rules
Rules are what we use to define life. People do not realize this, but we need rules in order to appreciate life more. Rules take the chaos that is called life and impose order into it. Some people think rules limit our achievements, but this is not true. When you think about it, you will realize the fact that rules protect our progress as humanity. Without rules, we would have been extinct long ago.

Rules help us define life. Sometimes, we look for rules in order to help us achieve our goals. People create rules in order to help themselves achieve their goals in a manner that they can understand. Rules are also used to help us comprehend life. People give out rules in order to help others get what they have achieved. It is because of rules that we are able to hold on to every discovery made.

It comes as no surprise that people look for 10 rules for the power of positive thinking. It seems that people, when looking for rules, like to stick no 10, which is a nice, round number.

The power of positive thinking and 10 rules in getting it is one of the most popular subjects out there. This is because they have begun to realize that positive thinking does affect life significantly. Whether you see a glass as half-empty or half-full can affect the way you treat your business. We are in control of our lives and our decisions matter.

What are the 10 rules of the power of positive thinking?
1) Believe – You cannot pretend to be a positive thinker. You need to believe. In positive thinking, you cannot pretend because there’s no one to pretend to. If somebody believes that you are a positive thinker, how can that benefit you? The most important of the 10 rules of the power of positive thinking is that you should believe it.

2) Be objective – This is very important in the 10 rules for the power of positive thinking. Many people tend to see their lives for their failures and thus, they lose hope of ever succeeding in their goal. Other people tend to magnify their success and, filled with false pride, they make all the wrong decisions.

3) Take care of your health – One step to achieving the power of positive thinking is taking care of your body. All of the positive thinking in the world can’t help you if you are dead, can it? You need to have a healthy body in order to fuel your positive thinking.

4) Surround yourself with positive people – When you are engaged in an internal struggle between your positive self and your negative self, you will need all the support you can get. You do not really want to surround yourself with people who will just kick your positive attitude to the ground with their negativity.

5) Be patient – Positive thinking does not come overnight. You need to train yourself in order to get rid of any negative attitude you possess.

6) Turn negativity around – When something negative enters your personality get rid of it not by repelling it outright, but by channeling that energy into positive thoughts.

7) Remember that others can sense your negativity – One reason why people fail is because other people can sense their negativity and want no part of it. Before you try to do something, be sure to have the right attitude.

8) Find something positive in everything new – When you encounter something unfamiliar, never do what most people do and fear it. Take a hard look at it and see it for the positive effects it brings, this will help you understand things better.

9) Pace yourself – Remember that you cannot hurry into getting positive. You need to pace yourself in order to prevent yourself from breaking down. Go slowly and take life one day at a time.

10) Make the change – The main characteristic of these ten rules of the power of positive thinking is the fact that they only show you the door. You need to open it yourself.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Power of Positive Thinking By Norman Vincent Peale PDF

The Power of Positive Thinking 
The Power of Positive Thinking written by Norman Vincent Peale is an inspirational book that provides various techniques on how to obtain peace of spirit and mind, how to improved health and how to gain a never-ending stream of energy.

It is stated in the book description that faith in one self can make good things happen. The book also contains various guides on how to develop self-esteem and how to achieve success by means of eliminating worry habits. Likewise, guides on how to attract people, how to avoid extreme nervousness in workplace, building self-confidence that will pave way to reaching goals and many more were discussed in the book.

The Power of Positive Thinking was translated in over forty languages and sold more than twenty-two million copies. The book is unrivaled especially in terms of its power in restoring the weakening faith of millions of people. The Power of Positive Thinking is truly a legacy left by Norman Vincent Peale that will continuously have a positive effect on the life of people around the world.

A Glimpse on the Life of a Great Man

Norman Vincent Peale is considered to be the Champion of Positive Thinking. He was born in Bowersville, Ohio, USA on May 31, 1898. He grew up supporting his family by means of delivering newspapers, selling pots and pans and by working in a grocery store. Who would ever imagine that such a humble young man would later become one of United State’s most influential clergymen?

Norman Vincent Peale has gotten his education from Ohio Wesleyan University and Boston University. He also works for Findlay Ohio, Morning Republic as a reporter before he entered the ministry and before he became an author of his forty books. He was ordained as a pastor in the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1922 where he served at various churches.

He later became famous for his sermons especially with the applications of positive approach to modern way of living. And to further reach a great number of people he broadcast his sermons first through radio and then later on by means of the television.

He was able to increase the number of churchgoers from 600 members to 5000 when he finally retired in 1984. This simply goes to show how effective his sermons are in attracting people. He later became the President of the Reformed Church in America (1969 and 1970).

Norman Vincent Peale is not a born positive thinker in fact he confessed that when he was still a young boy he has experienced the worst case of inferiority complex. He said that he developed positive thinking to help himself. And to further empower his teachings in positive thinking he applies Christianity as a means of solving everyday problems.

He also encourages people to pray claiming that positive thinking is another term to mean faith. He also claim that the unconscious mind has the power to turn every man’s wishes into realities as long as they strongly believe that it can happen.

The optimistic approach of Norman Vincent Peale in his sermons has attracted a great number of parishioners as well as increases his popularity. His weekly radio program has lasted for 54 years and was broadcasted on NBC. And to reach even more people Peale has mailed his sermons monthly to 750,000 people. His life story was made into a movie entitled One Man’s Way.

By the year 1945, Peale together with his wife has started their circulation of their Guideposts magazine, which at present is one of the largest distributed religious magazines. Norma Vincent Peale died on December 24, 1993 at the age of 95. his wife Ruth is continuing the work they began.

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The Psychology of Positive Thinking